I am excited to announce the launch of Innovation By Design, a book co-authored by myself, Magnus Penker, and Gerry Purcell, designed to equip leaders with the frameworks and tools necessary to build sustainable innovation. This journey has been collaborative, and we owe its success to a host of incredible individuals whose insights and contributions have shaped the final product.

In today’s fast-changing business environment, companies face evolving challenges, and Innovation By Design provides the essential roadmap not only to navigate these complexities but also to thrive. Our approach focuses on building a continuous culture of innovation that enables organizations to stay ahead.

The Power of Collaboration

Innovation never happens in isolation; it’s the result of diverse thinking and collaboration. In creating Innovation By Design, we had the honor of working with many brilliant minds like Christer Fuglesang, Christina Bengtsson, and John Cocco, who helped make this book what it is today.

Christer Fuglesang, Sweden’s first astronaut, shares his perspective on the long-term impacts of innovation. As Christer says, “Innovation is a process, and the winners are those with the best processes.” This perfectly encapsulates our core message: successful innovation isn’t just about flashes of creativity; it’s about building solid, repeatable systems.

Christina Bengtsson, a world champion in precision shooting, provides valuable insights on the importance of focus and high performance. Christina reminds us that, just as in sports, success in innovation depends on sharp focus and execution. Her perspective is woven throughout the book, reinforcing the need for mental clarity in driving organizational success.

We are also deeply grateful for John Cocco’s endorsement, which further validates the impact we hope to make. John describes Innovation By Design as “a must-read for anyone serious about transforming their business with innovation. Magnus and Gerry have nailed it.”

Why Innovation By Design Matters Now More Than Ever

As industries continue to be disrupted by new technologies, organizations need more than just good ideas; they need structured processes to implement and sustain innovation. This is where Innovation By Design comes in. Our book outlines how businesses can achieve lasting innovation through alignment with the ISO 56002 standards for innovation management and the Innovation360 methodology.

Having worked with organizations worldwide, we’ve seen firsthand how these strategies can lead to tangible change. By integrating the principles in Innovation By Design, businesses will be better prepared to navigate crises, anticipate market shifts, and foster sustainable growth.

Inside the Book: A Practical Roadmap

In Innovation By Design, we present the three core components of sustainable innovation: Strategy, Culture, and Execution. These components are based on our years of experience working with hundreds of organizations and have been honed to provide clear, actionable steps for leaders looking to drive innovation in their businesses.

1. Strategy: Aligning Innovation with Business Goals

It’s easy to generate ideas, but without alignment to business objectives, innovation efforts can be wasted. In this book, we emphasize how to align innovation initiatives with long-term business success. Our frameworks help leaders design strategies that are practical and tied directly to their organization’s goals.

2. Culture: Building a Pro-Innovation Environment

An organization’s culture plays a crucial role in innovation. In Innovation By Design, we explore how to foster a culture that embraces risk, experimentation, and collaboration. Christina Bengtsson’s emphasis on focus plays a key role here, reminding us that individual clarity translates into collective success.

3. Execution: Turning Ideas into Results

Without strong execution, even the best ideas can fail. In Innovation By Design, we offer detailed insights on how to manage the transition from ideation to commercialization, ensuring that innovation efforts lead to real-world impact.

Acknowledgments: Thank You to Our Contributors

This book would not have been possible without the contributions of many remarkable individuals. We are immensely grateful to Christer Fuglesang, Christina Bengtsson, John Cocco, and all the following contributors:

Alan Zettelmann, Allan Fors, Beda Meienberger, Bo Jiang, Cher Gulinao, Chris Delvaux, David Greenhalgh, Eoin Flavin, Eric Peterson, Greg Wright, Jennifer MacLean, Johan Persson, Johan Ragnar, Johan Wäborg, Johannes Jarl, Kelly O’Neill, Khoh Soo Beng, Lionel Ang, Marco Brunazzo, Mike Kennedy, Niklas Tiger, Peter Glasheen, Peter Junermark, Petter Kilefors, Shadi Bitar, Sharon Wingfelder, Spencer O’Leary, and Tord Thunman.

We also want to acknowledge Claes Johansson and Mikael Rönnholm for their continued support and thought leadership. Their contributions, along with those of our beta readers—Brian Noonan, Fredrik Skåpe, Kasia Hein-Peters, and Khaldoun Aboul-Saoud—have enriched the content of this book tremendously.

Finally, a heartfelt thank you to Innovation360’s global community of practitioners, clients, and colleagues. You have provided invaluable real-world insights that have informed every page of this book.

Ready to Get Started? Access Free Chapters Today!

To give you a taste of what’s inside, we are offering three free chapters of Innovation By Design, available now at innovationbydesign.innovation360.com. If you’re ready to take your innovation efforts to the next level, you can also purchase the full book on Amazon here.

Conclusion: Let’s Design the Future of Innovation Together

Innovation By Design is more than just theory; it’s a practical guide for leaders who want to make innovation a core part of their organization’s DNA. With contributions from experts like Christer Fuglesang and Christina Bengtsson, this book provides everything you need to build an innovation strategy that works.

Join us in designing the future of innovation.
